Memòries del vi - wine memories

Director: Laia Olivé

Producer: Laia Olivé

Producer company: I love films

Client: Eva Méndez

Country: Spain


This video claims the authenticity of the rural region in Central Catalonia, called el Bages, beyond the traditional idea of “beauty”. It proposes a wine route to enjoy and create meaningful lifelong memories for its visitors. It emphasizes the attitude of not only winemakers in el Bages, but also the people behind restaurants, hotels, museums, etc. The video tries to show their passion, their own character, and even the scars of the region, such as the ashes of the wildfires from 2022 that burnt the ancient dry-stone huts of Vall del Flequer, which were the icon of the wine route and the slogan of the route (“Treasures in the vineyards”). A persistent land. A unique wine culture. A region that is the heart of a small country, that beats loudly and welcomes visitors to discover it truly and without affectations.


Inviting tourists to visit el Bages and experience the DO Pla de Bages wine route and the authenticity of this region.